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Express.js is the most popular choice when it comes to building web applications with Node.js. However, when saying web applications with Node.js, it's often not for anything visible in the browser (excluding server-side rendering of a frontend application). Instead, Express.js, a web application framework for Node.js, enables you to build server…

I have always been of the understanding there are no common sense rules about how to create a minimal Node.js application with Babel. In my search for these answers, it seemed that every tutorial I came across showed something different. As a result, I wanted to streamline this project setup for my readers and myself, so I developed a common…

This tutorial demonstrates how to setup testing with Jest in Node.js. Whereas the previous tutorial has already shown you how to setup your Node.js application, this tutorial sets up a testing environment for your Node.js project. Let's dive into it by setting up Jest as testing framework. Node.js with Jest Setup In order to get our tests up and…

Just recently I had to use Docker for my Node.js web application development. Here I want to give you a brief walkthrough on how to achieve it. First of all, we need a Node.js application. Either take your own Node.js application, or take this minimal Node.js application or this minimal Node.js with Express application . In this Docker tutorial…

The content of this section is a crash course in node and npm. It is not exhaustive, but it will cover all of the necessary tools. The node package manager (npm) installs external node packages (libraries) from the command line. These packages can be a set of utility functions, libraries, or whole frameworks, and they are the dependencies of your…

Just recently I had to apply Webpack's Code Splitting, because the bundle size of a single file for my JavaScript library got too big when installing and importing it in another JavaScript project. After going through the process of Code Splitting my library, I was able to reduce my bundle size significantly by not importing the whole library at…

The following implementation shows you how to deploy a Github Webhook in Node.js. Personally I am using this kind of GitHub Webhook to deploy my websites automatically on Digital Ocean . Without having to get into my web server with SSH to deploy my website manually, the ever running Webhook on my DigitalOcean instance makes sure (A) to pull the…

You may be already using npm (node package manager) for installing libraries (node packages) to your JavaScript projects. For instance, in Node.js you may be used to Express.js for creating REST APIs . In frontend development, you may be used to React.js to build component-based web applications. This makes you a consumer of the npm ecosystem…

This tutorial demonstrates how to setup testing with Mocha, Chai, and Sinon in Node.js. Whereas the previous tutorial has already shown you how to setup your Node.js application, this tutorial sets up a testing environment for your Node.js project. Let's dive into it by setting up Mocha with Chai and Sinon as testing framework. Node.js with Mocha…