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The following implementation shows you how to deploy a Github Webhook in Node.js. Personally I am using this kind of GitHub Webhook to deploy my websites automatically on Digital Ocean . Without having to get into my web server with SSH to deploy my website manually, the ever running Webhook on my DigitalOcean instance makes sure (A) to pull the…

In this brief walkthrough, we will use Babel Module Resolver to convert relative paths to aliases for your entire JavaScript application. You can install it via the command line: And use it in your .babelrc file to create your first module alias: In this case, we are giving all our Icons an alias path. Imagine you would have another src…

React components connected to Redux can turn out pretty complex. Thus most people think that testing these complex components can turn out very complex as well. But it shouldn't be complex at all, if you take full control of the Redux store in your integration/unit test for the React component. I will use only Jest in this brief testing tutorial…

When I have been working with my clients over the last years, I have seen how crucial it can be to establish a common sense git workflow for a team to become productive . I experienced several constellations -- for instance when working in a team of thrown together developers, in an established team that just transitioned from another version…

Snapshot tests are a common way to write lightweight component tests. When a snapshot test runs for the first time, it stores its output (e.g. rendered component's HTML structure) in a snapshot output file. Every time the snapshot test runs again, another snapshot output file gets created; which is used to diff the output against the old snapshot…

If you are using Snapshot Tests with Jest for your components, there are a few pitfalls you have to be aware of. Two of them are very likely to apply to your written tests as well: 1) The output of snapshot tests becomes most often too large, if the actual snapshot test renders a component with lots of child components. This holds two problems in…

Writing tests is an essential part of software development to ensure a robust application. Tests enable us to automatically verify that our application is working on a certain level. The certain level depends on the quality, quantity (coverage) and type of your tests (unit tests, integration tests, snapshot tests, end-to-end tests (also called E2E…

The following implementation shows you how to integrate Redux Persist into Next.js with a quick example. First, the installation of the library on the command line: Second, rather than having a straightforward function which creates our Redux store, we distinguish between server-side and client-side Redux store. In the case of the client-side…

Recommended alternative: Instead of Mocha/Chai, using Jest as test runner and assertion library for unit, integration and snapshot tests . Before setting up the test setup with different testing libraries and writing the React component tests, you will need a simple React application which can be tested in the first place. You will introduce a…