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There are several React Hooks that make state management in React Components possible. Whereas the last tutorial has shown you how to use these hooks -- useState, useReducer, and useContext -- for modern state management in React, this tutorial pushes it to the next level by implementing one global state container with useReducer and useContext…

Since React Hooks have been released, function components can use state and side-effects. There are two hooks that are used for modern state management in React (useState and useReducer) and one hook called useContext to use React's Context API to pass state or state updater functions down the component tree. Now, many people keep…

You may be already using npm (node package manager) for installing libraries (node packages) to your JavaScript projects. For instance, in Node.js you may be used to Express.js for creating REST APIs . In frontend development, you may be used to React.js to build component-based web applications. This makes you a consumer of the npm ecosystem…

A brief tutorial which shows you two use cases on how to scroll to an item within a list of items in a React List Component . We will use the native browser API to scroll to our React element with a button click. It's up to you how to trigger the event in the end. For both use cases, we will start with the same React list component that renders…

This tutorial demonstrates how to setup testing with Mocha, Chai, and Sinon in Node.js. Whereas the previous tutorial has already shown you how to setup your Node.js application, this tutorial sets up a testing environment for your Node.js project. Let's dive into it by setting up Mocha with Chai and Sinon as testing framework. Node.js with Mocha…

Since React Hooks have been released, function components can use state and side-effects. There are two hooks that are used for modern state management in React: useState and useReducer. This tutorial goes step-by-step through a useReducer example in React for getting you started with this React Hook for state management. Reducer in React If…

The concept of a Reducer became popular in JavaScript with the rise of Redux as state management solution for React . But no worries, you don't need to learn Redux to understand Reducers. Basically reducers are there to manage state in an application. For instance, if a user writes something in an HTML input field, the application has to manage…

Since React Hooks have been released, function components in React can use state and side-effects. There are two main hooks that are used for modern state management in React : useState and useReducer. This tutorial doesn't explain both React hooks in detail, but explains their different use case scenarios. There are many people who ask me…

If you are new to React, most likely you want to know how to display a list of items in React's JSX syntax. This tutorial for List components in React gives you a step by step walkthrough on how to render a list of simple primitives, how to render a list of complex objects, and how to update the state of your list in React. How to display a list of…