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The Redux Ducks: Restructure your Redux App with Ducks tutorial will teach you how to bundle action creators, action types and reducers side by side in your Redux app. Usually in the beginning of learning Redux you have a technical separation of concerns which gets reflected in the folder structure. Basically there is one folder for your actions…

The Flow: Type Checking with Flow in React + Redux tutorial will teach you how to use Flow in a React + Redux environment. Since JavaScript itself is a dynamically typed language, you will end up with several bugs in your JavaScript career, which could have been prevented due type safety. In terms of using Flow for type safety, it only needs a…

In the beginning of 2016 it was time for me to deep dive into the ReactJs world. I read tons of articles about React and its environment, especially Redux, so far. Several of my colleagues used it in side projects and on a theoretical level I could participate in the discussions. In my company we relied heavily on Angular 1 at this point. Since…

Components become more important these days. In the future you will get to hear more and more about Web Components, which get available in Angular 2.0 as well, to create different reusable components. While you already weave multiple angular directives into each other, there are only a few articles which describe this reusability with d3 directives…

This article shows how you can achieve Small Multiples with D3 using Angular.js. According to Edward Tufte (1983) Small Multiples are a concept to visualize multiple homogenous visualizations like maps, line graphs or scatterplots. We will use this visualization concept to draw multiple line graphs with D3 on Angular. Here you can find an example…

Last year Apple released their new collection of iPhones. One innovation of Apple which caught my eyes is the new health app. The dashboard with its health charts is appealing and well designed. Therefore I had to remake one of its components with D3.js. This is what you are going to achieve. Gist for Source Code Example with Source Code…