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"A state of flow can be achieved by deep work". The subjects flow and deep work are covered in the books Deep Work by Cal Newport and Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi. I read both books, personally I can say that they are outstanding, and they can be well combined when it comes to satisfaction in a person's life. The following article summarizes my…

I did a lot of Angular 1.x back in the days until I started to use React. I can say that I used both solutions extensively. But there were and are several reasons why I moved to React. These reasons were not clear from the beginning, but retrospectively I think I can summarize these very well. In the following I want to give you 10 reasons why I…

As a software engineer you will come to a point where writing matters. Perhaps you want to leave your fellow developers a note, you have to write an e-mail to a customer or you have to sum up the recent meeting notes. In my case, it went even further because I have my own website where I write about software development and where I started to…

The following document is only a cheatsheet which summarises the steps you need to take to setup your own website. On purpose it's called technical, because you will not use a content management system (CMS) like Wordpress. It doesn't claim to be complete nor to guide you exhaustively through the whole process. After all it should only give you…

Sometimes I feel it's quite obvious, but I never saw it somewhere written down. The article is my attempt to show you a way to organize your state with state keys . I'm using it in my projects, others might already use a similar approach. But nobody advertised it so far. Table of Contents Cluttered State React + Redux developers tend to use…

The good thing about the Redux + React ecosystem is you can always have a shot at something novel in the JavaScript landscape. Especially when it comes to the middleware of Redux to handle asynchronous requests, one will find a great selection of paradigms and implementations to choose from. In the beginning you often end up with a Promise based…

MobX is a state management solution. It is a standalone pure technical solution without being opinionated about the architectural state management app design. The 4 pillars State, Actions, Reactions and Derivations make state management in MobX possible. First the State encapsulates all of your application state which can consist of primitives to…

The Normalizr in Redux tutorial will teach you how to use normalizr for an improved data management in your Redux store. The library itself will help you to avoid deep nested data structures although the returned data from a server is deeply nested. Additionally it comes for free to enable a manageable single source of truth for data entities in…

The Redux Ducks: Restructure your Redux App with Ducks tutorial will teach you how to bundle action creators, action types and reducers side by side in your Redux app. Usually in the beginning of learning Redux you have a technical separation of concerns which gets reflected in the folder structure. Basically there is one folder for your actions…