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Material UI for React, also called MUI, does not come with a native CrossFade component for transitioning with a cross fade animation between two or more components. Here I want to share the cross fade component that I have used for several of my freelance projects when using Material UI: And the usage of this CrossFade component appears as follows…

React Testing Library (RTL) by Kent C. Dodds got released as alternative to Airbnb's Enzyme . While Enzyme gives React developers utilities to test internals of React components, React Testing Library takes a step back and questions us "how to test React components to get full confidence in our React components": Rather than testing a component's…

When using function components in React, we may want to type their props with TypeScript. Overall there are two ways of making a React component type safe with TypeScript, however, let's start by converting the following JavaScript React component to a TypeScript React component as leading example: The straightforward yet most verbose way of…

TypeScript is getting more popular these days for frontend and backend applications. Here you will learn how to set up TypeScript in Node.js for a backend project. The previous tutorial already demonstrated how to set up a JavaScript project with Node.js. With this as foundation, we will start migrating the project to TypeScript here. First…

Material UI for React, also called MUI, does not come with a native nested Dropdown menu. Here I want to share the nested dropdown component that I have used for several of my freelance projects when using Material UI. Before you can use it, you have to check out my implementation for a dropdown with Material UI (MUI) in React: In the Dropdown…

Material UI for React, also called MUI, does not come with a native Dropdown component. Here I want to share the dropdown component that I have used for several of my freelance projects when using Material UI. Before you can use it, you have to install its Material UI (MUI) dependencies: Next follows the implementation of a Material UI Dropdown…

A short React tutorial by example for beginners about creating a select in React. First of all, a select is just an HTML select element which can be rendered in React's JSX: What may be missing is an associated label to signal the user what value is changed with this select: In your browser, this select can already change its select state by…

Type Guards in TypeScript are needed whenever you want to allow only a certain type for a routine in TypeScript. In this TypeScript tutorial, you will learn how to check for user defined types by using so-called user-defined type guards . We will start with two types and two objects annotated respectively with these types: In this TypeScript…

A brief walkthrough on how to set up React Testing Library in Vitest when using Vite. The tutorial assumes that you have already created a React project with Vite either in JavaScript or TypeScript. Next, install Vitest on the command line: Then in your package.json file, add another script which will run the tests eventually: Create a test…