React Hook: Detect Scroll Direction

 by Robin Wieruch
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A neat that I used in some of my which detects the scroll direction of a user:

import * as React from 'react';
const THRESHOLD = 0;
const useScrollDirection = () => {
const [scrollDirection, setScrollDirection] = React.useState('up');
const blocking = React.useRef(false);
const prevScrollY = React.useRef(0);
React.useEffect(() => {
prevScrollY.current = window.pageYOffset;
const updateScrollDirection = () => {
const scrollY = window.pageYOffset;
if (Math.abs(scrollY - prevScrollY.current) >= THRESHOLD) {
const newScrollDirection =
scrollY > prevScrollY.current ? 'down' : 'up';
prevScrollY.current = scrollY > 0 ? scrollY : 0;
blocking.current = false;
const onScroll = () => {
if (!blocking.current) {
blocking.current = true;
window.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll);
return () => window.removeEventListener('scroll', onScroll);
}, [scrollDirection]);
return scrollDirection;
export { useScrollDirection };

In a , the custom React hook can be used this way:

import * as React from 'react';
import { useScrollDirection } from './useScrollDirection';
const App = () => {
const scrollDirection = useScrollDirection(ref);
return (...);

That's it. There may be many ways to improve this custom hook (e.g. check the horizontal instead of the vertical scroll direction), but for my cases it has been sufficient for now.

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