This tutorial is part 2 of 2 in this series.
In this tutorial, I want to show you how to use React Table Library with its resize feature. In the previous example, you installed React Table Library to create a table component. Now, we will enable users to resize columns in the table by clicking on a vertical bar in the header of the column, and dragging left or right.
All you need to do is set the resize property on each column of table:
<Header><HeaderRow><HeaderCell resize>Task</HeaderCell><HeaderCell resize>Deadline</HeaderCell><HeaderCell resize>Type</HeaderCell><HeaderCell resize>Complete</HeaderCell><HeaderCell resize>Tasks</HeaderCell></HeaderRow></Header>
This is the easiest way to enable resizable columns for your table. However, if you want to configure more options then you can pass an object instead of a boolean (remember, setting a property in a React component without giving it a value defaults to a boolean true).
For example, you can specify a minimum width for each table column if you are not happy with the default.
<HeaderCell resize={{ minWidth: 50 }}>Task</HeaderCell>
You can also change the highlight color of the resize vertical bar or increase its width:
<HeaderCellresize={{resizerWidth: 15,resizerHighlight: '#98d8ff',}}>Task</HeaderCell>
That's it. With React Table Library, you can now create resizable tables in React.